Erduin Euceda, 29, Erduin Fabricio, 10
Faces of Immigration

Faces of Immigration Day 33 of 40

Erduin Euceda, 29, and his son Erduin Fabricio, 10, from Colon, Honduras, came to the US-Mexico border to find a better life. They spent 14 days traveling through Mexico on their own, and upon being apprehended by the Border Patrol, spent about three days in detention.

Upon being released they were taken in a large group to Our Lady of Purification in Dona Ana, New Mexico. This parish participates in a program called Project Oak Tree, which offers assistance to migrants released by ICE. The group will help them book plane tickets with their families who pay for their tickets.

In addition to economic difficulties, his locale of Colon has grown more and more dangerous with crime. It is an atmosphere which is difficult to raise children in.

In Honduras, he worked worked in construction, but there was not enough work there. He couldn’t afford to pay for basic things like sending his kids to school, and saving for the future.  He decided to make the trip to the United States, leaving behind his wife and two other kids.

His destination is Connecticut, where he must first report to the local ICE field office. If he and his son will be allowed to stay legally is yet to be determined.



Erduin Euceda, 29, y su hijo Erduin Fabricio, 10 de Colon, Honduras, llegaron a la frontera de Estados Unidos – México en busca de una vida mejor. Viajaron por México 14 días sin ayuda, y al ser detenidos por la patrulla fronteriza, estuvieron en detención migratoria por tres días.

Cuando fueron liberados, los llevaron juntamante con un grupo bastante grande a la Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de la Purificación en Doña Ana, Nuevo México. La parroquia participa en el proyecto “Project Oak Tree”, que ofrece asistencia a migrantes dejados en libertad por ICE. El grupo los asistirá con las reservaciones de vuelo que han pagado sus familiares para que puedan viajar.

En adición a las dificultades económicas, el estado de Colon a aumentado mas y mas en peligro a causa del crimen. Es una atmósfera muy difícil para criar a los niños.

En Honduras, trabajaba en construcción, pero no había suficiente trabajo. No le alcanzaba para comprar las cosas básicas como para mandar a sus hijos a la escuela o para ahorrar para un buen futuro.  Decidio hacer el viaje a los Estado Unidos, dejando atrás a su esposa y sus otros dos hijos.

Su destino es Connecticut, donde necesita reportarse a ICE en la oficina local. Todavía está por determinarse, si su hijo y el seran permitidos quedarse legalmente en este país.



The Faces of Immigration Project is a 40 Day photo journal series used to highlight the stories of all Immigrants. The project is meant to shed light on some of the many reasons people have for immigrating to the U.S. Statements and stories have been edited for content, clarity, and brevity and may not reflect the entirety of an Immigrant’s reasons for immigrating to the United States.

By Paul Ratje

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