Ana Candelaria, 30, Alba Lucy, 9,
Faces of Immigration

Faces of Immigration Day 17 of 40

Ana Candelaria, 30, and her daughter Alba Lucy, 9, are from a town called Chimay in the El Peten Department of Guatemala.  

“We came here because of the crime and poverty,” she said, “There is no work there because we can’t grow corn and beans.”

She is going to be with her husband in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She speaks Q’eqchi’ with her daughter.

Like many other Guatemalans coming to the United States, they hope to return to their home country one day. “Maybe we will return someday,” she said.


Ana Candelaria, 30, y su hija Alba Lucy, 9, son de un pueblo que se llama Chimay en el Departamento de El Peten en Guatemala.

“Venimos aquí por el crimen y la pobreza,” dijo ella, “No hay trabajo allá porque no podemos cultivar elote y frijol,” Ella va con su esposo que está en Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Ella habla Q’eqchi’ con su hija. Como muchos otros Guatemaltecos, venir a los Estado Unidos, esperan regresar a su país de origen algún día. “Quizas algun dia regresaremos,” dijo ella.


The Faces of Immigration Project is a 40 Day photo journal series used to highlight the stories of all Immigrants. The project is meant to shed light on some of the many reasons people have for immigrating to the U.S. Statements and stories have been edited for content, clarity, and brevity and may not reflect the entirety of an Immigrant’s reasons for immigrating to the United States.


By Paul Ratje

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