Faces of Immigration

Faces of Immigration Day 27 of 30

Israel Domingo Diego Pascual, 32, came to the United States with his son Armando Diego Andres, 13, from San Juan Tutlac, a part of Barillas, in the Huehuetenango Department of Guatemala. “I came to the United States out of necessity,” he said, “what affects us most there is the poverty and crime.” His father, mother, wife and three other kids remain in Guatemala, whom he hopes to assist if he is able to work.

“My wish depends how my life goes in the United States, whether I can get good work here and earn money,” he said, “I am giving my life, my time to work for my life with my wife and the future of my kids.”

Israel hopes he can provide for his family enough that his kids can study past the sixth grade and get a better career. He was only able to finish the sixth grade there, where many impoverished kids stop attending because of the high costs of schooling thereafter. “I would have wanted to continue in school longer, but my father didn’t have any money.”

Israel, like others from his country, wouldn’t have left if he could have made life work in Guatemala. “The people want to be safe, and move forward, but there is no means, no road, no support,” he explained, “We all want to prosper and be safe, but we are stuck in the road.”


Israel Domingo Diego Pascual, 32, llegó a los Estados Unidos con su hijo Armando Diego Andres, 13, de San Juan Tutlac, una parte de Barillas, en el Departamento de Huehuetenango en Guatemala. “Yo vine a Estados Unidos por necesidad,” dijo el, “lo que nos afecta más el la pobreza y el crimen.” Su Padre, madre, esposa y tres otros hijos, siguen en Guatemala, quien espera ayudar si lo dejan trabajar.

“Mi deseo depende de cómo sería mi vida en Estados Unidos, si puedo conseguir trabajo aqui, y ganar dinero,” dijo él, “Estoy dando mi vida, mi tiempo para trabajar, para mi esposa y para el futuro de mis hijos,”

Israel espera trabajar para mantener a su familia suficiente para que sus hijos puedan estudiar más allá del sexto, y tener un futuro mejor. Él solamente pudo terminar el sexto año allá, donde muchos niños pobres dejan de ir a la escuela por causa de los costos altos para seguir con sus estudios. “Yo hubiera querido continuar con mis estudios más tiempo, pero mi padre no tuvo el dinero,”

Israel, como muchos en su país, no se hubiera ido si hubiera podido hacer vida en Guatemala. “La gente quiere estar segura y seguir adelante, pero no se puede, no hay camino, no hay apoyo.” explicó el, “Todos queremos prosperar y estar seguros, pero estamos estancados en este camino.”


The Faces of Immigration Project is a 40 Day photo journal series used to highlight the stories of all Immigrants. The project is meant to shed light on some of the many reasons people have for immigrating to the U.S. Statements and stories have been edited for content, clarity, and brevity and may not reflect the entirety of an Immigrant’s reasons for immigrating to the United States.

By Paul Ratje

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