Augusto Lopez, 40, Osbin Misael Lopez, 15,
Faces of Immigration

Faces of Immigration Day 24 of 40

Augusto Lopez, 40, and his son Osbin Misael, 15, from La Libertad in the Huehuetenango Department of Guatemala arrived at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Cathedral in Las Cruces after being released from migration detention. Back home he worked as a day laborer cutting coffee. His hometown is situated in the highlands of Guatemala, surrounded by steep mountains.

Augusto said working in coffee is a “favorable” job where he is from, even though the pay is low. “50 Quetzales per day ($6.50), working from six in the morning until four in the afternoon,” he said.  His family lives on a small piece of land in an adobe house which he said has suffered damage due to regular earthquakes in his area. Augusto said leaving his family was difficult, “We have never been apart.” After leaving Las Cruces, he and his son Osbin would head to North Carolina


Augusto López, 40, y su hijo Osbin Misael, 15, de La Libertad Departamento de Huehuetenango en Guatemala, llegaron a la Catedral Inmaculada Corazon de Maria en Las Cruces después de haber sido puesto en libertad de la detencion de inmigracion. En su país trabajaba a diario el el cultivo del cafe. Su pueblo está ubicado en los cerros de Guatemala, rodeado de profundas montañas.

Augusto dijo que trabajar en el café es un trabajo “favorable” de donde él es, a pesar de que la paga sea baja. “50 quetzales al dia ($6.50), trabajando desde las seis de la mañana hasta las cuatro de la tarde,” dijo el. Su familia vive en un terreno chico, en una casa de adobe que ha sufrido daños por los terremotos en esa área., Augusto dijo que dejar su familia fue difícil, “Nunca hemos estado separados,”

Después de dejar Las Cruces, su hijo Osbin y él se dirigen a Carolina del Norte.


The Faces of Immigration Project is a 40 Day photo journal series used to highlight the stories of all Immigrants. The project is meant to shed light on some of the many reasons people have for immigrating to the U.S. Statements and stories have been edited for content, clarity, and brevity and may not reflect the entirety of an Immigrant’s reasons for immigrating to the United States.

By Paul Ratje

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