Under a new Colorado state law, undocumented immigrants will now have access to government benefits under state and local law. 

The state of Colorado no longer requires U.S citizenship for individuals to receive numerous benefits such as healthcare and governmental aid. This comes after the governor of Colorado, Jared Polis signed a law that makes any state benefits available to anyone with or without legal residency. Also, the city and county of Denver, Colorado will no longer be asking for proof of legal residency for immigrants applying for business licenses. 

The state of Colorado is known to support the immigrant community across the state. Earlier this year, limited healthcare coverage was offered to immigrants in Colorado. Also, undocumented students had an easier pathway to in-state college tuition. 

Undocumented individuals were also eligible for federal stimulus dollars and Colorado initiated and expanded the opportunity for undocumented individuals to apply for and receive a driver’s license. 

Many immigrant advocates are celebrating the different milestones the state of Colorado has provided for the undocumented community throughout the pandemic. Even though there’s a lot between the lines, the Polis administration will keep on fighting for financial and health opportunities for immigrants. 

For more news on this topic, please visit the article published by Axios Denver down below. 



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